Mika’s Cafe Episode 16: Preemptive

Mika’s Cafe Episode 16: Preemptive

Cat Murphy, March 1, 2015

3 thoughts on “Mika’s Cafe Episode 16: Preemptive”

  1. Jared J. Lee says:

    So great seeing this comic back! I missed it! ^w^!!

  2. Jared J. Lee says:

    I am very happy to see Mika back! This takes me back to when I first got a computer and I ran into this comic. It was a real inspiration to me and how great a tool the internet could be for my art.

  3. Webmaster says:

    Glad to have you back in the community. Things are still coming together,. but we hope to have the Cafe better than ever in the near future

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